Sacraments » Confirmation


Confirmation graphic

Confirmation Program Updates

The High School Confirmation program prepares and empowers young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today; includes young people in responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Church and parish; and fosters the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.

We accompany young people and families on their unique faith journeys and encourage active participation in parish life. Throughout the two-year process, the young people preparing for Confirmation, whom are called Candidates, will participate in faith formation sessions, activities, retreats, service, and fellowship opportunities.

We welcome youth in grades 9–12 to join us for our two-year preparation process to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

For the 2021-2022 program year, St. Mark will introduce a new approach to Confirmation preparation which will focus on the readiness of each individual candidate to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The process will require parents to maintain an active role in the formation of their daughter and/or son as well as the participation in service, fellowship, and worship. St. Mark is focused on forming missionary disciples of Jesus Christ and we firmly believe that this begins at home.

Please note: Candidates must be baptized and have received First Communion to be confirmed. A copy of the baptismal and first communion certificates are required during registration. If your daughter or son has not yet received First Communion, we will prepare her or him during the Confirmation process.

For more information, contact: Lara Brosmer - [email protected]

or call the office at (310) 821-5058.


Adult confirmation graphic

A similar process is offered for Adults (18+) seeking to be confirmed in the faith. Sessions for adults are generally offered in February and March each year, consisting of 5 Wednesday evening sessions. We encourage you to inquire about the Adult Confirmation program with Father Albert at [email protected] or by calling 310-821-5058.