Welcome » Mass / Confession Schedule

Mass / Confession Schedule

Daily Mass
Monday-Friday at 8:30 am
Daily Mass is offered inside the Church, and is live-streamed.
Saturday Vigil Mass
5:30pm - English
Sunday Masses
8:00am - English 
10:00am - English [Live-streamed]
12:00pm - Spanish
Please note Entrance onto the campus for all Masses is through the gate near the School building on Coeur D' Alene Ave. Pedestrians can enter through the walking gate at the front side of the Church on Coeur D' Alene Ave.




Confessions are available on Saturday mornings at 11:30 am on the Church patio and afternoons at 4:30 pm in the confessionals. In the confessionals you can choose to leave the curtain closed or open. The Church is open from 11:00 am-1:00 pm for personal prayer and Eucharistic Adoration. Please follow the instructions of our Ministers of Hospitality.